Wednesday, 23 July 2014

System Test 1

Create a demo ecommerce website called "DEMOKART". There are two users in the system.

  1. Admin
  2. Customer
Here are the user stories which need to be implemented.

For Admin:
  1. As a admin I should be able to manage product catalogue. ie., inventory e.g. I can add Samsung Galaxy S3 to the catalogue.
  2. As a admin I should be able to edit product details of any product in a catalogue.
  3. As a admin I should be able to delete products from catalogue
  4. As a admin I should be able to see the list of registered customers in the system and their details.
  5. As a admin I should be able to see all the products that is being bought by the customers.
For Customer:
  1. As a customer I should be able to browse all the products on the site and check its details. I can browse products category wise. No filtering is required.
  2. As a customer I should be able to search for a specific product based on a keyword.
  3. As a customer I should be able to register and login into the website.
  4. As a customer I should be able to buy product from the site. There should be a buy button next to product only if the user is logged in. Clicking buy button will just display a alert saying the product was bought and logs the same into the database. A customer can buy only one item at a time. There is no CART functionality (for practicing implement CART functionality)
Note: Please make appropriate assumptions where possible. Any doubts please let the supervisor know.

Product details you might consider:
  • ProductID
  • Title
  • Description
  • Price
  • PreviewImageURL
  • Brand
  • Category
  • SubCategory
  • CreatedDate
  • CreatedBy
  • Etc.
Please add anything else if necessary

Technologies to use:
C#, ASP.NET MVC4+, Entity Framework, HTML/CSS/Javascript/Jquery

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